Alvarez, Julia 1950-

Something to declare Julia Alvarez - 1. Plume print. - XIV, 300 S.

In her first book of nonfiction, Julia Alvarez offers two dozen personal essays about the two major (and interlocking) issues of her life - growing up with one foot in each of two cultures, and writing In 1960, when Alvarez was ten years old, her father's participation in a failed coup attempt against Rafael Trujillo, the repressive dictator of the Dominican Republic, resulted in the family's self-imposed exile to New York City, where Dr. Alvarez set up a medical practice in the Bronx while his wife and four daughters set about the serious business of assimilation. That uprooting formed the thematic basis for two of Julia Alvarez's novels Her father's revolutionary ties inspired the third, the story of one of Trujillo's most infamous atrocities. Something to Declare is about the influences those experiences have had on her work, and about the practical lessons she's learned on her way to becoming the internationally acclaimed writer she now is

1565121937 0452280672

Alvarez, Julia--Authorship

Geschichte 1900-2000

Dominican Americans in literature
Dominican Americans--Intellectual life
Women and literature--History--United States--20th century

Dominican Republic--In literature

