The space adventurer's guide : your passport to the coolest things to see and do in the universe / illustrated by Josh Holinaty. - Toronto : Kids Can, 2018. - 100 pages : illustrations

It's not just astronauts who get to travel into space anymore. Forward-thinking entrepreneurs have now made space flight a reality for adventure-seekers of all kinds. And just in time, here's a travel guide for kids to plan their own out-of-this-world journeys. Eight potential space vacations are described, one per chapter, complete with information about pre-trip preparations (like training to withstand extreme g-forces), accommodations and dining (hot dogs in zero gravity, anyone?), awesome activities (how about a real moon walk?) and so much more.

9781771380324 (pbk.) : �14.99

Astronautics--Juvenile literature.
Space tourism--Juvenile literature.
Non-Fiction 9+.
Science, Maths and Technology.

Outer space--Exploration--Juvenile literature.
