Your search returned 12 results.

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Wer lebt im Garten? Tonaufnahme 2 - 4 Jahre Text: Patricia Mennen. Hörspielbearb.: Anna Bergner. Sprecher: Niklas Heinecke und Lea Sprick. Regie: Anna Bergner und Joszi Sorokowski

by Mennen, Patricia | Bergner, Anna | Heinecke, Niklas | Sprick, Lea.

Series: Junior, Hörbücher für die Allerkleinsten | Wieso? Weshalb? Warum? | RavensburgerMaterial type: Music Music; Literary form: Language: German Publisher: Hamburg Jumbo, Neue Medien & Verl. 2013Online access: Click here to access online | Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: Preschool / KiTa (1). Location(s): KG&PS Library - Student Library Call number: KG&PS.
Erlebnisse im Zoo erzählt von Pino der Maus [Text: Annette Weber. Ill.: Susanne Bergerstock-Fischer]

by Weber, Annette, 1956- [Mitwirkender] | Bergerstock-Fischer, Susanne [Mitwirkender].

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Language: German Publisher: Reichelsheim Ed. XXL 2002Other title: Im Zoo.Availability: Items available for loan: Preschool / KiTa (1). Location(s): KG&PS Library - Student Library Call number: KG&PS.
Conni geht in den Zoo eine Geschichte von Liane Schneider ; mit Bildern von Eva Wenzel-Bürger

by Schneider, Liane [VerfasserIn] | Wenzel-Bürger, Eva [IllustratorIn].

Series: Lesemaus ; 2015,59Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: German Publisher: Hamburg Carlsen [2015]Online access: Inhaltstext Availability: Items available for loan: Preschool / KiTa (1). Location(s): KG&PS Library - Student Library Call number: KG&PS.
Nachts im Garten [Ill.: Ute Fuhr ... Text: Barbara Heller]

by Saunders, Ute | Heller, Barbara.

Series: Meyers kleine Kinderbibliothek Licht an ; 24Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: German Original language: French Publisher: Mannheim Bibliogr. Inst. [u.a.] 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Preschool / KiTa (1). Location(s): KG&PS Library - Student Library Call number: KG&PS.
Animals in the Garden Discovering my World

by Melvin and Gilda Berger.

Series: Animals in the GardenMaterial type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: Scholastic, Inc. Availability: Items available for loan: Preschool / KiTa (1). Location(s): KG&PS Library - Curriculum Library Call number: KG&PS.
Max Maus im Zoo das lustige Such-Wimmelbuch ; mit geheimer Mäuseseite Erhard Dietl; Christoph Schöne

by Dietl, Erhard | Schöne, Christoph.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: German Publisher: Hamburg Oetinger 2007Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: Preschool / KiTa (1). Location(s): KG&PS Library - Student Library Call number: KG&PS.
Bolo der Elefant Erwin Moser

by Moser, Erwin [Verfasser].

Edition: 1. - 100. Tsd.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Language: German Publisher: Weinheim Beltz & Gelberg 1996Availability: Items available for loan: Preschool / KiTa (1). Location(s): KG&PS Library - Curriculum Library Call number: KG&PS Library Curriculum Library.
Ich wär' so gerne Zoodirektor [ein Wunschtraum in Reimen [von] James Krüss [mit bunten Bildern von] Lisl Stich

by Krüss, James | Stich, Lisl.

Edition: 1. Aufl.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: German Publisher: Köln Boje 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Preschool / KiTa (1). Location(s): KG&PS Library - Curriculum Library Call number: KG&PS.
Mein erstes Gartenbuch Susanne Tommes. Mit Bildern von Petra Theissen

by Tommes, Susanne [Mitwirkender] | Theissen, Petra, 1969- [Mitwirkender].

Material type: Text Text; Format: print Language: German Publisher: Münster Coppenrath 2009Online access: Inhaltsverzeichnis | Inhaltstext Availability: Items available for loan: Preschool / KiTa (1). Location(s): KG&PS Library - Student Library Call number: KG&PS.
Der geheimnisvolle Mantel Jeannette Jenning

by Jenning, Jeannette.

Edition: 1. Aufl.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: German Publisher: Zürich Atlantis 2007Online access: Click here to access online | Inhaltstext | Inhaltsverzeichnis | Inhaltsverzeichnis Availability: Items available for loan: Preschool / KiTa (1). Location(s): KG&PS Library - Student Library Call number: KG&PS.
Zwei Papas für Tango Edith Schreiber-Wicke ; Carola Holland

by Schreiber-Wicke, Edith [VerfasserIn] | Holland, Carola [KünstlerIn].

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: German Publisher: Stuttgart Thienemann 2017Availability: Items available for loan: Preschool / KiTa (2). Checked out (4). Location(s): KG&PS Library - Curriculum Library Call number: KG&PS.
Erstes Gärtnern mit Ausfaltseite und Lern-Karte ; mit Klappen und Drehscheibe [Text: Barbara Wernsing-Bottmeyer. Ill.: Niklas Böwer. Konzept und Red.: Annette Güthner]

by Wernsing, Barbara, 1956- [Mitwirkender] | Böwer, Niklas [Mitwirkender] | Güthner, Annette [Herausgeber].

Series: Ich entdecke die Welt!Material type: Text Text; Format: print Language: German Publisher: Münster Coppenrath 2007Online access: Inhaltstext Availability: Items available for loan: Preschool / KiTa (1). Location(s): KG&PS Library - Curriculum Library Call number: KG&PS.